Tuesday, December 9, 2008


So I've been tagged by my daughter, Tiffany, for one list and my friend, Ginger, for another. I thought about combining them, but I think it would be a mess. But, I did tweak them just a bit. I have less items on my list. I'm either too boring or I'm just lame and can't come up with more. Sorry. So here goes:

Tiffany's Tag:

Five Shows I love to Watch:
American Idol
So You Think You Can Dance

Five Favorite Restaurants:
Chef's Table
The Tree Room
Magleby's (for the cake)
Bombay House

Five Things That Happened Yesterday:
Larry left for California
I worked on Christmas Cards
Devin went to Ballroom Team
Kyle cooked dinner
It finally snowed here! (It didn't stay, but still.)

Five Things I Love About Winter:
Hot Chocolate
Reading by the Fire
My Birthday

Five Things On My Wish List:
Touring around England
Bookcases for our downstairs
A vacation with just my honey
Having my kids live close to me
Having more grandkids

Five Things I Look Forward To:
Seeing all my kids married in the temple
Seeing my boys go on missions
Spending time with grandkids
Having Tiffany, Andrew, and Taylor here for this
Christmas Break

Five People I Tag: Carrie, Ginger, Stephanie, Donna, Leslie

Ginger's Tag: Five Unspectacular Quirks
1. I love to make lists. So you would think that I would love this tagging. I guess the list
making has to be of my choosing.

2. I like to have my porch lights on until 10:00 p.m. If anyone wants to visit up till then, it's
okay by me. Larry disagrees. He feels like we should turn off the lights when we head up
to our bedroom, even if it's only 8:00.

3. I like to figure out the maximum time I can sleep at night. So, my alarm is never set for
something like 6:30 or 7:00. It's set for something like 6:34 or 6: 52.

4. If I am worried about something (and I am a professional worrier) my kids hear about it
non-stop. "Now remember..." or "Did you do..."

5. I hate to be late. I don't even really like to be on time. I like to be early. I feel prepared
and ready for something that might delay me to just being on time. Larry likes to be on
time, not a minute sooner than he needs to be. So this is something we are still
negotiating on.

Okay for this one I tag: Tiffany and Megan

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


We are not the best at taking pictures of our family happenings when we are home. On vacation....tons. Home, not so much. But, we do love taking pictures of Taylor and showing off Taylor. So here are a few of my favorites of my adorable grandson who is 6 months old today!